Water & Sewer billing inquiries and paymentsFor setup or changes to your Water & Sewer account, bill payments, property sales or any other general inquiries call,
506-357-4400, select Option #2 or email:
finance@oromocto.ca or
click here.
Water Quality & ServicesThe Town of Oromocto provides safe and clean water to users of the municipal water system. The Town purchases its water from the Department of National Defence and distributes it to the residents and businesses. Our Water & Sewer team are responsible for:
• Repairs, management and control of water and sewer distribution networks
• Maintenance of sewage lift stations, water reservoir, as well as three (3) smaller sewage plants
• Management of the water meter program and annual flushing of water and sewer distribution systems
Water Testing is done as per our Class II Water Distribution Approval to Operate with the Department of Environment and Local Government with the Province of New Brunswick. Operators are Certified as required by Approval of the Minister of New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour. All water testing is conducted by an accredited laboratory and qualified operators.
LocatesAre you a resident of the Town of Oromocto, or a contractor performing work, and are planning any projects involving digging of properties within the Town in Wards 1-3? Whether you’re planning a home improvement project, installing a fence or deck, or even planting a tree, ensure to call or email before you dig to safely identify any buried utility lines. Connect with us at
506-447-8481 or email
Water Main Flushing (Annual)The Town of Oromocto conducts an annual flushing campaign over the summer months. Flushing typically takes place over July or August and is normally completed within two (2) weeks.
Water main flushing removes loose sediment and mineral deposits from the water distribution system. It is a cost-effective preventative maintenance measure, and part of the process to ensure continued high-quality drinking water in the Town. It also helps identify areas of the water distribution system that might need repairs and upgrades. During flushing residents may experience a temporary loss in water pressure as well as turbid water. Turbidity will go away quickly by running a tap for a few minutes.
For more information
click here for our
Frequently Asked Questions.
Sewer Main FlushingThis maintenance involves using high pressure water to clean the inside of the pipes. While this does not usually cause issues for residents, in some cases, the movement of air in the water lines could result in bubbling inside your home. Should this occur, air may force its way out of the toilet which may lead to water shooting upwards. Note the water is not sewage water from the main line rather water from in the toilet itself. To help reduce any water cleanup, we ask residents to keep the toilet seat(s) down.
Additionally, the flushing may also cause your basement floor drains to have the water pulled out of them. Traditionally floor drains have a trap of which the main purpose is to eliminate the possibility of sewer gas from entering the confines of the room or building.
Upon completion of flushing the lines, some residents may notice an odor of sewer gas in their home. This can be remedied by pouring water back into floor drains or any other trap that may have had water removed from it.
Preventative maintenance such as this may cause minor inconveniences though will help to alleviate potential future issues on a larger scale.
Meter ReadsThe Department of Engineering and Public Works performs quarterly meter reads throughout the town during the months of January, April, July, and October. Our staff are identified by a vehicle with Town of Oromocto decals and/or staff with identifying clothing/name tags.
How to Read Your Water MeterLocate your water meter. They are normally found in basements or crawl spaces. If your meter has a lid, lift it. When you read your meter, write down every number from left to right exactly as it appears on the "odometer style" display of your meter's dial. This includes all zeros at the beginning and the black number(s) at the end.
Call 506-357-4400 and select Option #2 to report your meter reading. If preferred, an image (photo) of the meter can be emailed
gengov@oromocto.ca including your meter number and home address. If you received an estimated bill, please contact us to provide the following information or arrange for our staff to read the meter:
- Meter reading
- Date of the reading
- Account number
- Service (civic) address
- Customer name

Regular meter readings can help you save money and avoid high bills by alerting you to unusual increases in the amount of water you use. They also assist in the early detection of costly water waste and plumbing leaks. Check your plumbing fixtures regularly and fix any dripping taps or faulty toilets. Plumbing leaks can be very costly.
Backflow Prevention Backflow is caused by backward flow of water due to a change in water pressure. Backflow can be avoided by ensuring that a backflow preventer is in place in case of potential or an existing cross connection. All commercial and residential building owners are responsible for maintaining backflow preventers.
A cross connection is an actual or a potential connection between any part of a potable water system and another environment containing other substances (non-potable water, chemicals, etc.). If backflow were to occur, such substances could enter the potable water system and contaminate it. Although less frequently than in businesses, cross connections can be found in residential buildings (in pools, irrigation systems, etc.). However, recently built homes do have backflow preventers. It is recommended that one be installed by a certified plumber in older homes. An unprotected or inadequately protected cross connection on your premises could contaminate drinking water, not only to your business or home, but in the line that supplies neighboring homes and businesses. Home or business owners are responsible for making sure that there are no cross connections on their properties. If you suspect that there is one in your house or building, please contact the New Brunswick Department of Public Safety.
Watermain BreaksThere are several reasons why a watermain break can occur such as a change in temperature, age of the pipe, excessive pressure, etc. If you notice a watermain break, immediately
call 506-447-8481 to report the issue.
Every Drop CountsA leaky toilet can waste as much as 950 litres of water per day, equivalent to the volume of 12 bathtubs a day! If you suspect a leaky toilet, take the test. Residents of the Town of Oromocto can contact the Department of Engineering & Public Works to obtain dye tabs and instructions. Call our Water & Sewer Division at 506-447-8481 or email us at
Things that Should Never Be Put Down a Toilet or Drain- Rags or paper towels
- Baby wipes or cleaning wipes
- Cooking grease or animal grease (don’t pour these down the sink either)
- Solvents, paint
- Sanitary napkins
- Tampons and/or tampon applicators (plastic or cardboard)
- Diapers
- Condoms
- Boxes, packaging, wrappers