video The Town of Oromocto is pleased to share with you its feature from the "Insights with Terry Bradshaw" television program.

Property Taxation

Establishment of Assessment Base and Tax Rates

Through the Assessment Act and the Real Property Tax Act the Province introduced a centralized assessment and collection system for real property taxation (Provincial, Municipal, Local Service Districts and Rural Communities). Service New Brunswick is responsible for annually assessing the value of all real property within the province for tax purposes. The Department of Finance is responsible for the billing and collection of all real property taxes levied, including those levied by municipalities.

Assessed Value

The assessment base of real property accounts is established and maintained by Service New Brunswick (SNB). Each year, SNB Property Assessment Services, assesses all real property in the Province, at its real and true value, for purposes of imposing real property taxes in the following year.  Click Here for further details on property assessment in New Brunswick.

For Tax Assessment and Payment Inquiries, please contact the Province of New Brunswick - Service NB at:  or 1-888-762-8600.

Municipal Rates

In the Fall of each year, the total residential and non-residential assessment base is provided by Service New Brunswick to the Department of Local Government for each municipality for use in preparing its upcoming annual budget and for setting the local (municipal) property tax rate. Non-residential property is taxed at a rate of one and one-half times the rate on residential property. In the November-January period, municipalities submit their budgets to the Province (Department of Local Government), indicating the tax rates and total revenue they intend to raise through property taxation. This represents the municipal tax warrant.

2019 Property Tax Rates for Oromocto

Taxation Classification

Residential (Inside)


Town Tax Rate

$ 1.3851

$  2.0777

Provincial Rate

$ 0.0000

$  2.1860

Provincial Surcharge

$ 0.0194

$  0.0194

Rate Per $100 of Assessment

$ 1.4045

$  4.2831

2019 Municipal Tax Base for Rate

$ 1,203,101,550

January 2 2026

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