video The Town of Oromocto is pleased to share with you its feature from the "Insights with Terry Bradshaw" television program.

Protection of Privacy

> Access to Information  > Protection of Privacy   > Make a Request   > File a Complaint > Town Responsibilities   > FAQs   > Forms


The protection of personal privacy in the day-to-day operations of the Town of Oromocto is one of the key principles of the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RTIPPA).

The privacy principles outlined in the Act reflect internationally accepted fair information practices, and are based on two beliefs: That an individual has the right to control his or her own personal information That the privacy rules governing the collection, use, disclosure, retention and disposal of personal information are necessary. These privacy rules apply to all personal information in the custody or control of the Town regardless of whether an access request has been made, with the exception of public records and certain labour relations records.   The Town of Oromocto is committed to upholding the standards of privacy established within the Act. Town staff are provided with the necessary training and the provincial Information Access and Privacy Unit is consulted on a regular basis to provide advice to staff with regard to the collection, use, disclosure, retention and disposal of personal information.    

What is Personal Information?

According to the Act “personal information” means recorded information about an identifiable individual, including but not limited to,

  (a) the individual’s name, 
  (b )the individual’s home address or electronic mail address or home telephone or facsimile number, 
  (c) information about the individual’s age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status or family status,
  (d) information about the individual’s ancestry, race, colour, nationality or national or ethnic origin, 
  (e) information about the individual’s religion or creed or religious belief, association or activity,
  (f) personal health information about the individual,
  (g) the individual’s blood type, fingerprints or other hereditary characteristics,
  (h) information about the individual’s political belief, association or activity,
  (i) information about the individual’s education, employment or occupation or educational, employment or occupational history, 
  (j) information about the individual’s source of income or financial circumstances, activities or history, 
  (k) information about the individual’s criminal history, including regulatory offences,
  (l) the individual’s own personal views or opinions, except if they are about another person,
  (m) the views or opinions expressed about the individual by another person, and 
  (n) an identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned to the individual.  

What Information is Held by the Town?

In the course of doing its regular business, it is necessary for the Town of Oromocto to collect, manage, use and disclose a certain amount of personal information about individual people. RTIPPA stipulates that no personal information may be collected by or for a public body unless:

The Town can collect only as much personal information about an individual as is reasonably necessary to accomplish the purpose for which it is being collected. The Town is required to:

When Can the Town Disclose Your Information?

Generally speaking, personal information is to be used and disclosed only for purposes consistent with the purpose for which it was collected. Details regarding how personal information can be used or disclosed are set out in the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Every use and disclosure of personal information by the Town is limited to the minimal amount of information and to the minimum number of officers, employees or agents necessary to accomplish the purpose for which it is being used.   

How May I Request a Correction to My Personal Information?

In some instances, a requester may feel that there was an error or omission concerning personal information on file about him or herself. To request a correction or omission to the personal information, you must complete the Request to Correct Personal Information Form by clicking here or forms are available at the customer service centre or by contacting the RTIPP Coordinator.  

You should also forward a letter stipulating clearly the information, which you believe to be inexact, incomplete or ambiguous, and the correction or amendment that you wish to make under the Act.   After receiving the request for correction of personal information, the Town of Oromocto will within 30 days of receiving your request either correct or amend the information or advise you of the reason why the information was not corrected or amended and attach a copy of your request and inform you of your right to have the decision reviewed by the Access to Information and Privacy Commissioner .   If the correction sought is merely a substitution of opinion, then it will not qualify as a correction of personal information. In some instances, documentary proof will be required.   Whatever the decision, the Town must notify any other public body or third party with whom the information has been recently shared that a request for correction has been made and, if applicable, of the correction itself.


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