video The Town of Oromocto is pleased to share with you its feature from the "Insights with Terry Bradshaw" television program.

Advice to Taxi Drivers and Uber Drivers & Passengers

  • 2020-03-30

Issued by the Province of New Brunswick

Coronaviruses are most commonly spread from an infected person through:

o respiratory droplets generated when you cough or sneeze
o close, prolonged personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
o touching something with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes
before washing your hands

COVID-19 can be more severe in elderly, immunocompromised or those with chronic conditions. The 
following are actions that can be taken to help prevent spread of illness:
•    Dispatchers should screen customers prior to pick up by asking:
o Are you feeling sick with fever, cough or shortness of breath?

If customer answers yes, then advise them to wear a mask otherwise the driver will be unable to 
transport them.

•    Not necessary to wear a mask if you are well
•    Maintain social distancing by only transporting passengers in the back seat.
• Each taxi should only transport one fare at a time in vehicle.
• Avoid handling money, if possible. Consider wearing disposable gloves if you must collect money 
from customers. Use one pair of gloves per customer and throw them away after.
• Clean and disinfect all surfaces potentially touched by a passenger after each fare or if they 
look soiled. Pay careful attention to high touch surfaces such as door handles, armrests and 
seatbelts. This should be done between all fares, whether the passenger looks healthy or not.
• Clean and disinfect door handles, armrests and seatbelts after transporting a patient who appears 
to be sick.
• Disinfect pinpads after each use. Use a disinfectant with a DIN number and is a viricide. ( 
Link to non-institutional disinfection sheet on gnb website )
• Wash your hands (with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds) or use an alcohol- based hand 
sanitizer (minimum content of 70% alcohol is important) after each fare.
• While not necessary to reduce transmission risk, drivers can consider setting vehicle ventilation 
to non-recirculated air or opening windows.
• Cough and sneeze into your arm or a tissue. Dispose of the tissue into the garbage after use. 
Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.
• Keep hands away from face and mouth. Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
• Stay home when sick.
• If you think you have symptoms, Go to for the latest information, 
including how to self-monitor, how you can protect yourself, and what to do if you suspect you are 
at risk.

NYC licenced taxi drivers Taxi and Limousine commission NHS website-UK

February 20 2025

Regular Session of Council - Town Hall

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